Cycling on the Vía Verde

The vía verde (‘greenway’) of Val de Zafán, with its 126 km length, is one of the longest vía verdes in Spain and is a journey of discovery between the nature of Aragon and Catalonia. The old 83-kilometer La Val de Zafán railway line (from Puebla de Híjar to Tortosa, closed in 1973) was converted into a path for bicycles and pedestrians full of viaducts and tunnels between the towns of Valdealgorfa (Teruel) and Tortosa ( Tarragona).. It’s a journey through the beautiful nature from the regions of Matarraña, Terra Alta and Baix Ebre to the impressive River Ebro.

This infographic will help you choose the desired stage on the Vía Verde. Here you will find the number of kilometers per route, the gradient, the services available at the stations, where you can swim, eat, drink…

Mapa Etapas Via Verde